1. A method for query evaluation in deductive databases is presented, based on discovery of axioms and facts relevant to given query. 在基于与给定查询相关的事实与公理的基础上,给出了演绎数据库的一个产生式推理方法。
2. Truth can not merely be discerned by deductive reasoning but can only be more deeply understood by inductive study and skepticism. 靠推理不能仅仅洞察真相而只是靠感应学习和怀疑论就有更深的理解。
3. Reaction is a deductive thinking, which relates one heart to another or one thing to another, and it also has association, imagination or artistic exaggeration. 感应是一种由此及彼的推论式思维,由此心、此事、此物而感应彼心、彼事、彼物,当然也含有想象、联想的成分或艺术化的夸张。
1. relating to logical deduction
2. involving inferences from general principles