1. Fashion is a despot whom the wise ridicule…and obey. 流行是一个会愚弄并且听从智者的暴君。
2. The awful despot's chances of survival lie with his deterrent power. 这个可畏暴君生存的机会就取决于他威慑性的力量。
3. North Korea's cruel but cunning despot, Kim Jong Il, exploits China's fear that, if his vile regime collapses, China might have a strong, American-allied democratic Korea on its border. 北朝鲜残酷而狡诈的暴君金正日利用了中国的担心——一旦其邪恶政权垮台,中国将会在边境对面多出一个强大的、与美国结盟的韩国。