1. I refuse to accuse Fuse of diffusing confusion. 我拒绝控诉导火索散播混乱。
2. At its harshest, it has a passive-aggressive quality, but it can work as a sedative diffusing shock and fear on a subconscious level. 紫色最不悦人的一点就是它消极被动的特质,但能发挥镇定剂的作用,减少潜意识层的震惊和恐惧。
3. In the action of centralizing and diffusing, small towns in the suburb of metropolitan area how to resolve many problems and develop in a good way. 在集聚和扩散的合力作用下,大都市郊区的小城镇发展如何突破重重难题,承担起其应有的角色作用?