1. Disordered condition afford living space for pirates so that they could easily not to worried about crime and subject to punishment. 混乱的局势为海盗提供了生存空间,使他们可以从容作案而不必担心受到任何惩罚。
2. In a time characterized of disordered standards in design due to fickleness and delineation, a tree enabled us to find our inner tranquility. 在时下浮躁而游离的设计美学导致标准混乱的情况下,面对一棵树,我们找到了心灵的一泓宁静。
3. Its two most salient features: the disordered chronology and the shocking ending arouse many scholars' interest as well as most of their criticism towards the story. 学者对它的兴趣和大部分有关这部短篇的评论主要源于小说两个显著的特点:打乱的时间编排和出人意料的结局。
1. thrown into a state of disarray or confusion
2. lacking orderly continuity
3. not arranged in order