1. Medicine, distillery, organic acid and inorganic industry, also used in purification and decoloring. 药品、制酒、有机酸及无机物工业,用于去杂质纯化、脱色。
2. The success of clean production practiced by Xintai Grain Distillery was investigated comprehensively. 深入分析太仓新太酒精厂实施清洁生产的成功经验。
3. Rockwood & Hines Ltd has our own distillery association in France and have built up our own bottling line in the EPZ near Shanghai. 洛克沃德汉纳斯公司在法国有自己的蒸馏厂,并在上海出口加工区建有自己的灌装生产线。
1. a plant and works where alcoholic drinks are made by distillation