1. Once or twice I experienced a moment of fear an dit was fear bordering on panic. 有一两次我感到恐惧,恐惧到了惊慌失措的地步。
2. Confused: Im trying to ask_an such process cultivate love, not w Marketing ula dit arise definitely. 惑儒:我是问这种情况下是_可能发生爱,而不是问他“是否一定会发生爱”
3. Effects of chain-length and concentration of AMNS surfactants, alkalinity and salinity on the DIT behaviors are investigated. 详细考察了表面活性剂侧链长度、浓度及碱度、盐度对界面张力行为的影响。
1. the shorter of the two telegraphic signals used in Morse code