1. Value analysis can also be used to deal with the problems caused by instrumentalism, technologism and dogmatism. 价值分析法以克服工具主义、技术主义及教条主义造成的弊端;
2. Kant's critical philosophy has two missions: one is to correct the skepticism in empiricism and the other is to correct the dogmatism of religious theology. 康德的批判哲学体系有两个使命:一是纠正经验主义的怀疑论,以确定科学知识的“必然性和普遍性”;
3. Finally I will demonstrate why an appeal to religions for a ground of ethic will lead to either dogmatism or relativism, which is against the will of its initiators. 最后,我将证明为什么诉诸宗教来确立伦理的基础,不是导向教条主义,就是导向相对主义,而这一结果有违发起者的初衷。