1. I think you, as a contented dogmatist, had better leave me alone, and inquire what has become of yours. 我想你这么一个欣然自足,专好武断的人,顶好不必管我,还是先考查考查你自己好啦。
2. To oppose the subjectivist, one-sided approach to problems, we must demolish dogmatist subjectiveness and one-sidedness. 我们反对主观地片面地看问题,必须攻破教条主义的主观性和片面性。
3. It was entitled "On Practice" because its stress was on exposing the dogmatist kind of subjectivism, which belittles practice. 因为重点是揭露看轻实践的教条主义这种主观主义,故题为《实践论》。
1. a stubborn person of arbitrary or arrogant opinions