1. The ADB report says that, even if the markets may have reached bottom, the eventual recovery could still be drawn-out. 亚洲开发银行的报告指出,即使市场可能已经触底,最终的复苏可能也要拖很长时间。
2. The defense secretary rejected some of her specific criticisms as simply wrong and said the war against terror will be a drawn-out process. 国防部长拉姆斯菲尔德并没有简单地否认希拉里的一些批评,他说抗击恐怖主义将是一场持久战。
3. Sometimes societies were able to learn extremely fast, as in the United States. Others, like Germany, benefited from starting late, leapfrogging the long-drawn-out process that Britain went through. 有时,某些社会能够以极快的速度学习,正如美国那样。另外一些社会--比如德国--因起步晚而受益,因为它们越过了英国所经历的漫长过程。
1. relatively long in duration; tediously protracted
2. (used of speech) uttered slowly with prolonged vowels