1. Mine-used drinking fountain of flameproof and Intrinsically Safe can solves the drinking problem of underground personnel and improves the drinking condition and quality of drinking water.

2. Our company produces various kinds of size and color of float glass, sheet glass, clear glass sheet, reflective glass, aluminum mirror sheet, tempered glass, hollow glass and obscure glass.

3. Our company produces various kinds, size, and color of float glass, sheet glass, clear glass sheet, reflective glass, aluminum mirror sheet, tempered glass, hollow glass and obscure glass.

4. Our company produces various kinds of size and color of float glass, sheet glass, clear glass sheet, reflective glass, aluminum mirror sheet, tempered glass, hollow glass and obscure glass.

5. Our company produces various kinds of size and color of float glass, sheet glass, clear glass sheet, reflective glass, aluminum mirror sheet, tempered glass, hollow glass and obscure glass.

公司生产并经销各种规格颜色的浮法玻璃、格法透明玻璃、镀膜玻璃、普通平板玻璃、格法铝镜玻璃、钢化玻璃、中空玻璃及 压花玻璃 。