1. Your silver is turned to dross, your wine is mixed with water. 你的银子变成了渣滓,你的美酒搀和了水份;
2. The auto-pulse operation rinse maching can effectively remove the tissue dross during surgery, thus reduces the infection rate. 脉冲式自动手术冲洗器能有效清除手术时产生的组织碎屑,降低感染概率。
3. So, we should comment it objectively, select the essence and discard the dross to meet the principle of historic materialism methodology, and adopt and revise it correctly. 因此,应对其做出客观评价,取其精华,去其糟粕,才符合历史唯物主义方法论的原则,才能被正确的加以改造和利用。
1. worthless or dangerous material that should be removed
2. the scum formed by oxidation at the surface of molten metals