1. We took our clothes out from the washing machine and put into dryer. 我们把洗好了的衣服拿出来然后放进干衣机内。
2. Typically, the dryer exhaust emissions can provide air exhaust processing and drying need sufficient energy without the need to increase gas consumption. 通常,干燥装置排放的废气能够提供排风处理和干燥所需要的足够能量,无需增加煤气用量。
3. The basis of the biopin products: tung oil, linseed oil, beeswax, castor oil, vegetable wax, lemon, turpentine, dryer without lead or barium, mineral pigment, borax etc. 产品成分主要有:桐油,亚麻油,蜂蜡,蓖麻油,加那巴蜡,柠檬,香脂松节油,不含铅和钡的干燥剂,矿物颜料,硼砂等。