1. East West High-nature low-lying west of Taihangdong lu an eastern piedmont alluvial plain is, from west to east were the mountains, hills, plains, each about one-third.

2. East West High-nature low-lying west of Taihangdong lu an eastern piedmont alluvial plain is, from west to east were the mountains, hills, plains, each about one-third.

3. East West High-nature low-lying west of Taihangdong lu an eastern piedmont alluvial plain is, from west to east were the mountains, hills, plains, each about one-third.

4. The year started on the road sections are : Fengbeilu West Spur, the first body South Road, West Main Street, West Spur, Yuquan Road, Phase I, near Road overpass of a moat.

5. On the east-west autobahns, German troops marched west on the median while Americans on tanks, trucks, and jeeps rolled east on the road.
