1. Following the rule, then, the theory must be the minimum required for the reader to understand the empirical results. 那么,就听我的规则:这里的理论,必须是读者理解实证结果时所需要的最少理论。
2. We collect evidence or empirical knowledge, and then, employing logical principles, we make deductions and draw conclusions. 我们收集证据或经验知识,然后运用逻辑原理进行推断并得出结论。
3. Predictions of empirical data from the theory of common descent have been so consistent that biologists often refer to it as the "fact of evolution". 用共同血统理论对经验数据的预测是如此的一致,因此,生物学家常常把这些预测称为“进化的事实”。
1. derived from experiment and observation rather than theory
2. relying on medical quackery