1. By enabling positive delivery confirmation, the T. 37 standard adds a level of reliability that fax users have come to expect. 通过实现肯定的交付确认,T。37标准增加了传真用户期待着要达到的可靠性水平。
2. Through the use of Sniffer network card can be installed in mixed mode, enabling the network transmission of data packet capture and analysis. 通过使用网络嗅探器可以把网卡设置于混杂模式,并可实现对网络上传输的数据包的捕获与分析。
3. Since management information systems play a significant role in every stage of the supply chain by enabling companies to gather and analyze information. 管理信息系统通过使公司能够收集和分析信息的方式,在供应链的各个环节起到了重要作用。