equip 侧重提供与技术有关的装备或设备等。
furnish 多指添置家具等供给生活的必需品或为生活舒适提供所需的服务设施。
supply 普通用词,指提供任何所需求的东西。
provide 与supply近义,但强调人的深谋远虑,侧重用贮备等方法作充分准备。
afford 一般只用于对抽象事物提供,也可指经济能力上的供给或支付。
1. They can't afford to equip their army. 他们无力装备自己的军队。
2. Equip a skinning knife and press Action button near a dead monster or character to restract resources. 装备剥皮刀并站在死亡的怪物或角色旁按下行动键开始获取资源。
3. Leading with Dignity courses equip leaders with the tools and skills to contribute to their organizations in meaningful and profound ways. 领先的尊严课程,配备各种工具和技巧的领导人促进有意义的和深刻的方式及其组织。
1. provide with (something) usually for a specific purpose
2. provide with abilities or understanding