1. Does this mean a wider scope of probe going on about the espionage case? 这是否意味着关于力拓间谍案正在进行更大范围的调查?
2. Do you seek to engage in espionage, sabotage, export control violations, or any other illegal activity while in the United States? 在美国期间,您是否意图从事间谍活动、阴谋破坏、违反出口管制条例或其他任何非法活动?
3. Four employees of global mining giant Rio Tinto in Shanghai have been detained, apparently on suspicion of espionage and stealing state secrets. 全球矿业巨头力拓上海公司的四名员工,因涉嫌犯有间谍罪而被拘捕,并被指控偷窃国家机密。