1. Moreover, it's creative, in Chinese peoples view, 而把玉本身具有的一些自然特性比附于人的道德品质,作为所谓“君子”应具有的德行而加以崇尚歌颂,更是中国人的创造。
2. This is a very great human virtue, the Buddha will be in the "unforgettable by" strongly eulogize, so Confucian filial piety before upgrading to be added to the community. 这是一种极其伟大的人类美德,所以释迦牟尼佛才会在《父母恩难忘经》中极力讴歌,所以儒家才会把孝道提升到无以复加的社会高度。
3. Of course, such petty-bourgeois individualists are unwilling to eulogize the deeds and virtues of the revolutionary people or heighten their courage in struggle and their confidence in victory. 这种小资产阶级的个人主义者,当然不愿意歌颂革命人民的功德,鼓舞革命人民的斗争勇气和胜利信心。