1. By the time he was 12 he was a telegrapher and everlastingly trying to make that system of communication work better. 到他12岁时,他当上了报务员,他坚持不懈地努力尝试改进这种通信系统。
2. Their lives are dedicated to world conquest, but they also know that it is necessary that the war should continue everlastingly and without victory. 他们一生致力于征服全世界,但是他们也知道,战争必须永远持续下去而不能有胜利。
3. Your holy hour deepens your union with Christ and brings great joy to His Heart and will make your soul everlastingly more glorious for all eternity. 你守的圣时使你与基督有更深的结合,并使祂的圣心大大的喜乐 ,又会使你的灵魂在永恒中越显光荣。