1. The answer may lie no deeper than Walter Matthau's one-liner about poker exemplifying "the worst aspects of capitalism that have made our country so great". 其中沃尔特·马修的一行话最为深刻:扑克是“使我国繁荣昌盛的资本主义的最大糟粕”。
2. When we classify apples as apples, for instance, universalists say that something could qualify to be classified as an apple only by exemplifying being an apple. 当我们把苹果归类为苹果的时候,共相论者说,某东西能够有资格被归类为苹果,仅当例现‘是苹果’。
3. The Florida Keys are a microcosm, exemplifying the swift changes brought about by the actions of humankind globally, with causes as varied as the individuals who leave their mark. 佛罗里达小群岛这个小宇宙充分地反映了全球人类活动给自然界带来的迅疾的变化。