1. No matter what you are dirty or clear, cocked or fazed, you are the only one to them who love you. 无论你肮脏或者干净,皱巴巴的或者被折磨,对周围爱你的人来说你仍然是无可替代的。
2. "He is not fazed, " Wenger declared. "The boy has a good first touch and fantastic stamina - he can run all day. 温格说:“这个孩子一点都不畏惧,他的球感非常好,体能也好,可以奔跑一整天。”
3. Those ascending with dominion-based natures would only cause dominion-based behavior to continue and not be fazed out of the human dance. 那些支配天性的提升者只会带来人类舞蹈中支配行为的延续而不是消失。