1. The felon slipped out the main prison gate, to be swallowed up in the British fog. 这个罪犯偷偷逃出了监狱大门,(结果)淹没在伦敦的大雾中。
2. Meanwhile, Ally and Georgia defend a woman suing for the right to marry a convicted felon with a life sentence. 与此同时,艾莉和歌莉亚正为一个女子申辩,争取权利欲跟一名已被判终生监禁的囚犯结婚。
3. But because of a second law passed in 1998, the NET (No Electronic Theft) Act, his act of publishing would make Eldred a felon—whether or not anyone complained. 可是由于1998年中颁布的另一条法案--“禁止电子偷盗法案(NET)”,艾尔缀德出版图书的行为将符合“重罪犯”的定义,即便无人投诉。
1. someone who has committed (or been legally convicted of) a crime
2. a purulent infection at the end of a finger or toe in the area surrounding the nail