1. He had filibustered for 23 hours without leaving the Senate floor. 他连续23个小时未曾离开参议院而不停地演说,以此阻挠议案通过。
2. In particular, tax increases at the federal level don't require a two-thirds majority, and can in some cases bypass the filibuster. 特别是在联邦政府层面上,增税并不需要三分之二的多数通过,有些情况下可以绕过这样的阻扰。
3. And Republicans suffered a further setback on Monday in their fight to stop the Democrats winning a filibuster-proof majority in the Senate. 共和党人更在阻止民主党人获得议案通过权(亦即参议院多数)这场争斗中承受了进一步的打击。
1. a legislator who gives long speeches in an effort to delay or obstruct legislation that he (or she)
2. a tactic for delaying or obstructing legislation by making long speeches v.
1. obstruct deliberately by delaying; of legislation