1. They marched to their rooting section, hoisting the cup and saluting their flag-waving, firecracker-exploding fans. 他们走到拉拉队前,举起奖杯向挥舞着国旗、燃放烟火的球迷们致敬。
2. "The people have cast a vote of no-confidence in the DPP government, " Ma told a cheering, flag-waving crowd at the KMT's imposing headquarters facing the presidential office. 「这是人民对民进党政府投的不信任票」国民党主席马英九对在国民党总部前庆祝摇旗的民众说。
3. Nearby, flag-waving Chinese cheered and shouted "Go China" and "Go Olympics" today (Wednesday) as the Olympic flame arrived at a lighting ceremony in Beijing's historic Forbidden City. 在附近,挥动旗帜的中国民众今天(星期三)在奥运圣火抵达北京过去的紫禁城点火仪式现场时欢呼“中国加油”、“奥运加油”。
1. an appeal intended to arouse patriotic emotions
2. fanatically patriotic