1. I speak not by commandment, but by occasion of the forwardness of others, and to prove the sincerity of your love. 我说这话,不是吩咐你们,乃是借着别人的热心,试验你们爱心的实在。
2. The forwardness in legislation and the retardation in law-consciousness contradict each other, only to hinder the development of the system. 法律制度的超前和法律意识的滞后之间的矛盾阻碍法律在司法实践中的顺利实施。
3. Your straight-forwardness astounded me, when you came to my office and told me that you were thinking about death to free yourself of the exams. 考试结束,你来到了我的办公室,你的直言让我惊骇:“老师,我不想活了,所以不想考试。”
1. offensive boldness and assertiveness
2. an advanced stage
3. prompt willingness