1. An elephant is the largest four-footed animal on earth. 象是世界上最大的四脚动物。
2. This is a big plus in the nation's cramped apartments, which often forbid ownership of more common four-footed friends. 节约空间对日本人而言可是件天大的好事。因为住房面积狭小,政府禁止国民饲养普通四足类宠物。
3. Ultimately he hoped to extract a generic four-footed locomotion pattern that could be adjusted for a dog, cheetah, lion, or whatever. 而他的终极目标则是提取出某种具有普遍性的四足运动模式,可以在经过调整之后用到狗、豹子、狮子或者随便什么东西上去。