1. Harry got a little frisson of anxiety in his stomach, and opened it. Harry的胃因为焦虑而微微的痉挛了,他打开了那信。
2. The discovery of substantial pools of home-grown Islamic terrorists has added a frisson of fear. 而当英国发现一些伊斯兰恐怖分子长于本土,就更增加了一种不寒而栗的感觉。
3. FRISSON of fear touched the London property market briefly on news that Dubai World was delaying repayment of some of its $60 billion ( 恐慌战栗席卷伦敦房地产市场,主要源于迪拜世界传出消息要延期偿还它所亏欠的600亿美金(360亿英镑)债务。