1. No frolic during exercise and be sure to use correct moves in exercise. 运动中勿嬉戏打闹,注意技术动作之正确性。
2. "Wine can of their wits the wise beguile, make the sage frolic and the serious smile. " - Homer, Odyssey. “酒取走醉酒智者的智慧,使圣贤之士嬉戏,使不苟言笑之人微笑。”——荷马,《奥德赛》。
3. Pitching cake with each other at birthday party is the most common scene sweet, frolic hurt, happiness or endurance? 投掷蛋糕是生日聚会中最常见的一幕。然而,这里是甜蜜、嬉闹、伤害、幸福亦或忍耐?
1. gay or light-hearted recreational activity for diversion or amusement
2. play boisterously