1. Here it comes, I think, bracing myself for a classic Norman fulmination on how basic design flaws in ordinary objects are the true sources of most "human error." 我想,经典的诺曼式非难就要来了,赶快正襟危坐,听他批评一般用具设计上的基本错误,是如何成为「人为错误」的真正源头。
2. The main causes were due to accidental falls in elderly, children swimming in waters, followed by falling into the river as the result of disease fulmination and suicidal among adults. 不慎淹溺是主要原因,游泳淹溺是儿童淹溺死亡的第二位原因,因疾病发作跌入河中和投河自尽是成年人淹溺死亡的第二、三位原因。
1. thunderous verbal attack
2. the act of exploding with noise and violence