1. Having lost his apprentice, Sidious' next gambit centered not on the raising of a new apprentice, but the converting a suitable Jedi candidate. 失去徒弟之后,西迪厄斯的下一着棋,不是养育一个新徒弟,而是策反一名合适的绝地人选。
2. King Varian Wrynn says: Perhaps. I doubt the effectiveness of this gambit. We would be better served preparing our armies for the final assault. 国王瓦里安·乌瑞恩:也许。我不确定这样子会不会起到作用。我们应大概让我们的军队准备好进行最后的进攻。
3. But Magna's gambit to win Opel and now Saturn from the rapidly disintegrating General Motors may prove to be an example of what happens when things go right. 但是大的开场白赢得欧宝和土星从现在迅速瓦解通用汽车可能会被证明是一个例子时所发生的事情的权利。
1. an opening remark intended to secure an advantage for the speaker
2. a maneuver in a game or conversation
3. a chess move early in the game in which the player sacrifices minor pieces in order to obtain an adv