1. Postal carriers wore no uniform, but only ordinary peasant garb. 邮递员不穿制服,只是普通农民的装束。
2. Their Name, their Garb , and Work did so intoxicate and bewitch me. 他们的名气,服饰和作品确实使我陶醉,令我着迷。
3. The group shucks its body armor and marches into an auditorium filled with poker-faced men in suits or clerical garb and women with covered heads. 小组只得卸下甲胄迈步进入了礼堂,礼堂里坐满了一本正经西装笔挺或是职员打扮的男人,还有包着头的女人,。
1. clothing of a distinctive style or for a particular occasion
2. provide with clothes or put clothes on