1. This grainy video from the Greek Navy shows captured pirates in the Gulf of Aden. 这段希腊海军提供的不太清晰的视频显示在亚丁湾被抓捕的海盗。
2. A mini-Louvre Website exists on the Net, allowing visitors to call up a grainy version of works such as Monet's Pont Neuf. 网络上有一处叫“迷你罗浮宫”的网站,让上网者可以调出颗粒状质感的作品,呈现在屏幕上,如莫内的《新桥》。
3. Before it reaches the packaging room, as the salt falls through a chute from one conveyor belt to another, a small pump sprays iodine into the grainy white cascade. 进入到包装车间之前,盐下落通过一个斜槽,在传送带之间输送的过程中,一个小泵喷洒出颗粒状的白色碘雾。
1. composed of or covered with particles resembling meal in texture or consistency