1. Without these gritty fighters, we could not have won the battle. 没有这些勇敢的战士,我们原本不可能赢得这次战役。
2. But the exact nitty-gritty origins of mutations and variations in biology are still uncertain. 但是,生物界的突变和变异起源的准确的事实真相仍不确定。
3. But more than that there is a cultural divide for foreign experts schooled in a tradition of gritty Boston Consulting type logic. 但除此之外,对于接受坚定的“波士顿咨询公司”型逻辑传统的外国专家而言,这里存在着文化分歧。
1. composed of or covered with particles resembling meal in texture or consistency
2. willing to face danger