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    1. In matters of gross relationships, you recognize no in—between. " That is because gross relationships are always dyads, whereas relationships of the higher realm are invariably triads."
    2. Cathay Pacific said the company's gross profit ratio decreased from two main factors: the cost of coking coal coke rose sharply, resulting in gross profit per ton of space to be compressed;
    3. At the aggregate level, Shanghai Stock Price Index is related to past IPOs gross proceeds and also to future IPOs gross proceeds during the sample period.
    4. Sustained growth in gross regional product has promoted that in consumption and investment, which, in turn, consolidates and drives growth in gross regional product.
    5. Overall gross margin declined by 1. 5 percentage point to 8. 38 percent, mainly because of the downward trend in gross margin business, and commercial growth in low margin faster.


    gross income gross earnings
    总收益; 总收入总收益; 总收入;
    gross profit gross benefit
    毛利总利润利益毛额; 利益毛额; 总利润;
    Gross National Savings and Gross Domestic Investment
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    cancel cross out dash out expurgation score out stroke out
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