1. This guarantee for the company to the company, they are guaranteed to support the project and business development. 本次担保对象为本公司下属公司,对其担保是为了支持其项目建设和业务发展。
2. With so much debt, in addition to the uncertainty of future income, it is an X that how the 18 trillion can be guaranteed. 背负这么多的债务,加之未来财政收入的不确定性,如何保证18万亿投资计划实施,是一个未知数。
3. This note was a promise that all men would be guaranteed the inalienable rights of life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. 这个笔记是一个诺言所有的男人会被保证生活的不能让与的权利,自由,和追求快乐。