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    1. We professionally produce all kinds of LED imitate landscape tree Lamps, such as LED cherry tree light, palm-tree light, iron-tree lamp, pinang-tree lamp and so on.
    2. Originally grew up in a remote corner of the tree, a tree originally madding crowd, because of the need to become a landscape to re-stand in a tree.
    3. A woodsman came to the second tree and said, "This tree will do. The shipbuilder will be happy to buy such sturdy wood, "and he cut the tree down and carried him away.
    4. Like a palm tree in En-gedi, like a rosebush in Jericho, Like a fair olive tree in the field, like a plane tree growing beside the water.
    5. Dogs didn't see the tree up which the animal was and barked at the tree the animal wasn't up. The phrase to express this meaning in English is called " to bark the wrong tree ".


    Hazelnut Tree
    Praline Hazelnut full entwine Passion cake
    榛子; 榛木; 榛实; 榛果;
    Hazelnut Cappuccino
    榛子卡布奇诺; 榛子卡布奇诺 :;
    hazelnut family
    桦木科; 棒树科(旧并入壳斗科); 榛树科;
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