1. It had higher stem diameter, higher ratio of stem mass/leaf mass, higher rate of edible part, higher total yield, lower crude fibre and thinner aroma compared with the others. 小叶白适合露地栽培,其产量高、茎粗适中、商品性好、始收期亦较早,且粗纤维含量最低,香味相对也较淡。
2. The authentication system of status is now widely used to solve the consistency between visitor's physical status and digital status and provides basis of authority management to other systems. 身份认证系统用于解决访问者的物理身份和数字身份的一致性问题,给其他系统提供权限管理的依据。运用形式化方法,针对一个用户身份认证系统,使用Z语言对其进行形式化描述。
3. In vegetation (grass) system, the mass fractions of N, P, K aboveground are higher, and the storage of N underground is higher but that of P, K aboveground is higher. 地被物分室中,三元素质量分数地上部高于地下部,贮量N素地下部高于地上部,而P、K地上部高于地下部。
4. The effect of devaluation on the manufacturing costs in the Asian economies is likely to lead to higher inflation, higher import costs and higher interest rates. 货币贬值对亚洲经济地区的制造成本所造成的影响,可能会导致这些地区的通胀率、进口成本和利率向上攀升。
5. The higher the number of exponent bits the wider the range, while the higher the number of mantissa bits, the higher the precision. 表示指数的二进制位数量越多则范围越广,而尾数的二进制位数量越多则精度越高。