1. Its holo projector eye swiveled and the blue scanning laser built a ghostly image near Anakin's boot: Palpatine shackled into a large swivel chair. 它的全息投影器运作起来,一束蓝色扫描激光在安纳金脚边投射出了一个半透明的影像:只见帕尔帕廷被铐在一张巨大的旋椅上。
2. Method of two and Three-dimensional holo-spectrum plotted by MATLAB software is set forth. 并阐述了利用MATLAB软件绘制二维全息谱图和三维全息谱图的方法。
3. Finally, the thesis does analysis on generative images of holo-embryo architecture from fractal dimension aspect. 最后,文章从分维角度,对全息胚建筑的生成图式作了剖析。
4. Ahsoka held the end of her necklace in her hand. Now Vader noticed that it was a mini holo-projector. A blue image popped up - It was Anakin Skywalker. 阿索卡用手举起她项链的末端。现在维达注意到那是个迷你全息投射仪。一个蓝色的身影突然出现了——那是安纳金。天行者。