1. The domestication, breeding, and improvement of animals; the technology of animal husbandry. '畜牧'。''''。'学'。''动物的驯化、饲养和改良;动物饲养的技术。
2. Speciation may also be induced artificially, through animal husbandry or laboratory experiments. 物种形成也可以通过动物饲养或实验室人工诱导。
3. Uses:used in protecting of road, railway, airport, residence small district, port and dock, garden, raise husbandry, etc. 用途:用于公路,铁路,飞机场,住宅小区,港口码头,花园,饲养,畜牧等的护栏防护。
1. the practice of cultivating the land or raising stock