1. Actually, I was an iconoclast, but now I ask my son to read Di-Zi-Gui. 事实上,我曾是一个反传统的人,但现在我要求我的儿子读《弟子规》。
2. Richard Dennis was an iconoclast, a wildcatting Chicago trader not affiliated with a major investment bank or Fortune 500 firm. 理查德?丹尼斯这个人比较反传统,他是芝加哥的交易者,但他不是财富500家投资银行 的雇员,他自己研究交易。
3. And they provide a clearly visible target for that most interesting breed of scientist, the iconoclast, to shoot at - rather like policemen's hats. 法则还为那些热衷于找碴子的“偶像破坏派”科学家提供了枪靶,就像警察的大盖帽一样。
1. a destroyer of images used in religious worship
2. someone who attacks cherished ideas or traditional institutions