1. HB: You seem to imply that your work success is because of luck. Are success and luck the same thing? Is luck how you got to be so successful? 你的言下之意似乎是你的成功源自于你的幸运?你认为成功意味着幸运吗?是运气让你如此成功的吗?(就你聪明,我怎么没听出有言下之意)
2. HB: You seem to imply that your work success is because of luck. Are success and luck the same thing? Is luck how you got to be so successful? 你的言下之意似乎是你的成功源自于你的幸运?你认为成功意味着幸运吗?是运气让你如此成功的吗?(就你聪明,我怎么没听出有言下之意)
3. She neither sentimentalized the Chechen rebels nor demonized the Russian conscripts—ill-armed, ill-fed and ill-led—who have crushed the Chechens' half-baked independence. 在她的笔下,车臣叛军不是悲剧英雄,俄国士兵亦非十恶不赦的魔鬼——部队装备简陋、后勤糟糕、领导无能——纵然他们扼杀了车臣独立的种子。
4. Your next opportunity will come when Venus, the planet ruling your house of home, conjoins Jupiter, giver of gifts and luck, on December 1, 2008, for another hit of luck. 当金星来临的时候是你的下一个机会,这个行星和木星共同掌握着你的家,木星同时带给你发生于本年度12月1日的运气。
5. the third was a feckless, giddy young fellow who didn't even know his trade properly thought he was bound to have luck in this case, for if not, then what luck would he ever have in any other case. 另一个裁缝是一个没什么才干的冒失的小伙子,连自己的手艺都不太熟练。可是他想,这回会有好运气,不然的话,真不知道到哪里去碰好运气呢。
luck up make a scoop be in the ascendant get one's innings have one's day play big luck strike it rich 走运;
luck up make a scoop be in the ascendant get one's innings have one's day play big luck strike it rich 走运;
be down on one's luck fluke hard cheese hit the skids rough luck 倒霉;
luck up make a scoop be in the ascendant get one's innings have one's day play big luck strike it rich 走运;
be down on one's luck fluke hard cheese hit the skids rough luck 倒霉;