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    1. A special teacher was leading a group of child, there are Down's child, ADHD child, speech delayed child and hypertonia child in this group.
    2. "Bin Laden", he said, "is the illegitimate child of Ronald Reagan and Margaret Thatcher.
    3. Wu, chairman of a group win was the illegitimate child, his father after the death of their mother and grandmother Shen will not be recognized by Britain and the United States.
    4. Qian said China 'he' is illegitimate child, the mother during pregnancy and premature birth injury, an accident, 'he' testicles since born as a result of injuries affecting sexual function.
    5. Rules : no title card "illegitimate child" of the Housing will accommodate?


    illegitimate child
    非婚生子女; 私生子; 私生子,非婚生子 私生子,非婚生子; 私生子,非婚生子;
    illegitimate child
    非婚生子女; 私生子; 私生子,非婚生子 私生子,非婚生子; 私生子,非婚生子;
    illegitimate child
    非婚生子女; 私生子; 私生子,非婚生子 私生子,非婚生子; 私生子,非婚生子;
    child of illegitimate birth
    child uf illegitimate birth
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