1. Ye are not straitened in us, but ye are straitened in your own bowels. 你们狭窄、原不在乎我们、是在乎自己的心肠狭窄。
2. What that would be now, in the face of Bertelsmann's straitened finances, the elusiveness of internet revenues and changes in publishing and advertising, is uncertain. 如今贝塔斯曼资金紧张、互联网收益不明朗外加出版广告业变革,无人知晓他将何去何从。
3. It argues that its obsessive focus on low prices is in keeping with the straitened times. 该公司声称其锲而不舍的低价策略十分适合萧条时期的市场情况。
4. I had lived a lonely childhood and a boyhood straitened by war and overshadowed by bereavement . 我度过了寂寞的童年,少年时代备受战争苦难,又由于丧母而变得黯淡无光。
5. In these straitened times, you cannot knock hard cash – even if it is just two-thirds what you almost received two years ago. 在当前的窘困时期,你不可能拒绝现金——即使只有两年前几乎可以获得的金额的三分之二。
people in straitened circumstances 困难群众;
Industries in straitened circumstances 困难行业;
the state policy and system for aiding students in straitened circumstances 国家资助贫困学生的政策和制度;