1. MR. WOOD: I think we have a question from (inaudible). Please. 伍德先生:下一个问题来自(声音不清)。请提问。
2. But in the reality, we are poorest (inaudible)[in ethnics or aesthetics and] philosophy. 但事实上,我们在道德[或者美学]和哲学上都是贫困的。
3. The experiment results show that the embedded watermark is inaudible, and has good robustness against kinds of attacks such as white noise, low-pass filtering and resampling. 实验结果证明所嵌入的水印具有很好的不可感知性,对加白噪声、低通滤波和重采样等各种攻击具有良好的鲁棒性。
1. impossible to hear; imperceptible by the ear