1. Think of all the minutes that you waste each day worrying or being angry about inconsequential things. 想一下,你每天为无关紧要的事情担心和懊恼所浪费的时间。
2. HP infection isn't inconsequential in men. Certain strains of the virus are known to cause genital warts in men as well as women. HP感染对男性并非无关紧要。现在知道,部分病毒株在男性也和女性一样引起生殖器疣。
3. I'm certainly bad at practicing this myself, particularly when the item is something like a golf ball that costs a seemingly inconsequential$2. 50. 不过我自己在这方面肯定做的不达标,特别是如果孩子买的是区区2。50美元一只的高尔夫球的话。
1. lacking worth or importance
2. not following logically as a consequence