1. The novels of Holmes are not sufficiently concentrated; they show an inquisitive mind casting about in a variety of directions. 霍姆斯的那些小说都不够精练;它们显示了一颗追根问底的心,在向四方探索。
2. Not finding the answer within ourselves, our children's inquisitive mind harassed matter adults, and again found no clear correct answer. 没有找到答案,我们的孩子的好奇心骚扰物质的成年人,又没有明显的正确答案。
3. I encourage you to be inquisitive, but I also want to tell you: "education is what you have left after all that is taught is forgotten ". 这是个好问题,但是我希望你理解:“教育的真谛就是当你忘记一切所学到的东西之后所剩下的东西。”
1. showing curiosity
2. inquiring or appearing to inquire