1. the period which intervenes between March 5 and June 5 介于3月5日和6月5日之间的时期
2. Japan started to intervene in the stock market in 1991 after prices halved after the "bubble economy" burst. 日本在1991年开始干预股市,此前股市价值在“泡沫经济”破灭后已经减半。
3. Their stated aims, particularly when they are first proposing that the government intervene, are usually more modest, and more plausible. 尤其是在他们率先提议实行政府干预时,他们所陈述的目标往往更为温和、更加受听。
1. get involved, so as to alter or hinder an action, or through force or threat of force
2. be placed or located between other things or extend between spaces and events
3. occur between other event or between certain points of time