1. The way we communicate is she has a set amount of phrases she knows but she can use them in an intuitive way. 我们沟通的方式是她有一个固定金额的词组她知道,但她可以使用他们在一个更直观的方式。
2. VC developed using a printing process on the image to achieve a more intuitive, the code also has a high reusability. 用VC开发的一个关于图像打印的程序,实现起来较为直观,代码也具有较高的可重用性。
3. Consequently, the format and vocabulary we use to test our applications should be intuitive enough for mere mortals to comprehend and execute. 因此,用来测试我们应用程序的格式和词汇表对于纯粹的人类理解和执行应该是充分直观的。
1. spontaneously derived from or prompted by a natural tendency
2. obtained through intuition rather than from reasoning or observation