1. Practice what you would say if you felt big and invulnerable, then say it, even if you're scared. 把如果自己感到”大“、”无敌“的时候会说的话拿来练习,然后再说出去,即便你感到害怕。
2. The eagle possesses the invulnerable elegance and haughty quality that it just wands to cover its lonesome. 老鹰有着无人能比的高贵以及骄傲的气质,只为了隐藏自己的寂寞。
3. Sending kind, understanding thoughts to others creates a beautiful aura around you that makes you invulnerable to lower, coarser thoughts that come from other people. 当你对别人发出仁慈、宽容的想法,你的周围会产生美丽的光能场,让你不受人们较低等的粗顿思想所伤害。