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    1. Phycological Research is the quarterly official journal of the Japanese Society of Phycology. It published by the Japanese Society of Phycology and complements the Japanese Journal of Phycology.
    2. As a component of Japanese culture, the Japanese language embodies the cultural traits and psychological features of the Japanese nation.
    3. I've bought a Japanese quartz watch, a Japanese color TV set and a Japanese video recorder, and none of theme has given me any trouble.
    4. As a component of Japanese culture, the Japanese language embodies the cultural traits and psychological features of the Japanese nation.
    5. I've bought a Japanese quartz watch, a Japanese color TV set and a Japanese video recorder, and none of theme has given me any trouble.


    where an enterprise holds or acquires the shares or capital contributions of another enterprise to an extent of morethan one- third of the total voting shares or total capital of such other enterprise
    active capital floating capital
    WellDog Selected for Finalist Showcase at Golden Capital Network Venture Capital Conferencewelldog
    capital capital letter majuscule
    where an enterprise holds or acquires the shares or capital contributions of another enterprise to an extent of morethan one- third of the total voting shares or total capital of such other enterprise


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